Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Updates, Old and New

So I have finally completed my burnt orange sundress. It took a lot longer than originally planned because of the many modifications from the original pattern. Since my dress looked a little plain without some frills, I decided to make it a little more 'frou-frou' with some lace trimming. Not to the point where I look like Marie Antoinette, but just to spice it up so I don't look like plain jane.

In my next posting I promise to post pictures!

However, as happy as I am to be done with one project - I'm onto the next one as soon as I'm blinking. I can't wait to start on my Jacquard Jacket!

I'm going through a little bit of a damask/Jacquard obsession right now. Although this fabric commonly seen on tablecloths, curtains, upholstery and other miscellaneous items it has the potential for so much more.

It is kind of hard to explain but I'll try. For those who have trouble picturing what kind of fabric Jacquard is - it's a type of fabric with the pattern/design woven into the fabric itself. Imagine threads sitting/floating on top of the other threads rather than being woven and intertwined. These threads sitting on top can create a picture.However, at some point they are woven back into the fabric and the border of the design is created. This is repeated until these borders and floating threads turn into designs/patterns.

My inspirations for this jacket come from the character of Mia Mason played by Lucy Liu in Cashmere Mafia. This show was alright while it lasted (Lipstick Jungle was better IMO even though I started out liking CM better...), the fashion was much better than the actual plot line!

All of Lucy Liu's outfits throughout the series were so over-the-top and amazing. I love the work her stylists did throughout.

I am so excited to start on my own version of this jacket. It looks so unique and fantastic :)
The fabric I chose is more of an off white than a brilliant gold, but I still think it will be pretty, elegant and eye-catching.

Other updates to come... July Holiday Shopping Haul!


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