Monday, June 28, 2010

June 2010 Current Projects

I've always like sewing, but since I've arrived at college I haven't had a sewing machine of my own to work with. However, I always remembered how much I really enjoyed sewing. So I got one of my own. Here is my work space:

Pardon my mess. (you can see my night stand in the back!)

But as you can see I'm currently working on something. What is that you ask? Well it's a sundress for me to wear to football games with K! Duh! I'll show you my completed work when it's all done. As of now, I rarely have time to work on it between work and school. However, I've had a few pitfalls here and there considering that it is also my 'getting-my-feet-re-wetted' project. My next project will be much better. Hopefully.

After I'm done with this dress, I plan on reupholstering my couch. Yuck. That's a whole new mess on its own.


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